be mere conjecture中文什么意思

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  1. Mr kim is known to have had heart problems , and some intelligence analysts recently have claimed to see the early signs of senile dementia ? though this is mere conjecture
    众所周知,金正日有心脏病,某些情报分析人员最近声称看到了他得早期老年痴呆症的症状- - - -虽然这只是他们的臆测。


  1. be measured against 什么意思
  2. be measured in 什么意思
  3. be meat and drink to sb 什么意思
  4. be mentally tough 什么意思
  5. be mercilessly put to death 什么意思
  6. be merged with 什么意思
  7. be merry over the wine 什么意思
  8. be meshed in the dense fog 什么意思
  9. be meticulous in design 什么意思
  10. be meticulous in one 什么意思


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